SOLVED Dates Changing


Jan 12, 2014
My FreeNAS version is 11.3 U1; Both my servers are the same version. Strange behavior just appeared about 3-4 weeks ago, not sure if it was the update, but I need to fix.

For ease just call FreeNAS 1 and FreeNAS 2

When I run my backup it seems to always backup some files even though they are on the FreeNAS 2 system. So poking around I believe I have found the issue. I have an Excel spreadsheet created on 5-9-2019. The date of the last modified date is 12-22-2019. Now when I copy that file to either FreeNAS 1 or 2 it changes the created date to today's date and time. So this spreadsheet says created 4-8-2020.

What is strange is that it would never change the created date as my TV library files all have the date the file was created like pictures, the tv show, etc. I have old files with created dates of 3-29-2019 on FreeNAS 1. When I ran the backup back then the created date carried over to FreeNAS 2.

So it looks like this was not an issue before, but now FreeNAS is updating the "created" date when it should not. In doing so the backup runs and sees the file on FreeNAS 2 has a newer date than the one on FreeNAS 1 so it wants to copy it again which is just a cycle of copying every time I run the update. It copies because the file on FreeNAS 2 is newer by 1 second so comparing to the file on FreeNAS 1 the backup says "I need to replace the newer one" and it backs up yet again.

Not sure if a setting got changed or maybe something in the update? I am drawing a blank here. Systems that access both FreeNAS 1 and 2 are Windows 10 and a Windows 8.1 machine using SMBv3. I have tried shutting down both system leaving them off for an hour or so and then bringing them online again, but same issue.

Any help would great be appreciated and if I need to show pics just let me know. Thank you


Mar 18, 2014
Related to this ?


Jan 12, 2014
thank you Alecmascot and anodos. I will update as I just saw the availability.

Again thank you