Memorial Day Sales - What Should I Buy?

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Feb 18, 2014
Yup and Nope, from what I could look up this came from a submarine and is located in a museum. This is the Reactor Control Panel (RCP) where a few different things were controlled. Electrical power distribution on the right, Reactor in the middle, propulsion on the left. Those two large wheels are the Forward and Aft controls for turning the screw of the ship. The larger one is FWD, smaller one AFT. This looks just like the one on my first three submarines. While I was not nuclear trained, to earn your dolphins you needed to fully understand the basics of every system on the boat and be able to stop the casualty no matter what it was. This could be anything from the reactor issue to flooding from any number of holes in the ships hull or piping, or hydraulic leaks, fire, collision, etc... There are a lot of things which could go wrong so our crews were trained very well. This was a survival thing, we all want to get home to our loved ones. That was long ago. The line printer in the foreground is of course not related at all.

Thanks for the guided tour. I'll tell you where my guess came from:
I was familiar with the sub's "wheels" from visits to them years ago - seemed like "classical" sub controls to me, so that's where I started. Looking at the panels - seemed to be "old" power controls and reminded me of reactor controls I saw when visiting one of my college pals in the UK who was working on research reactors at Harwell (the research establishment of the UK Atomic Energy Authority) in the mid-to-late 60's. So, "nuclear sub". I thought "simulator" because (a) controls not in a typical round/oval "sub shape", (b) the old TV on the wall, and (c) the line printer - which I concluded could have been for providing a hard copy of the simulator results for the trainer/student - though it looked early 70's vintage? It all looked too hodge-podge to be on a show stand, but I didn't think of a museum display...


Old Man
May 28, 2011
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