Is Importing Data drives from Core 12.0 U8 to SCALE plug and play


Apr 7, 2015
Hey guys Scale has been running great until recently. Had some weird crashes since going to 22.02.0 and 22.02.01 and when I do finally get it back up there says there is something wrong with my data drives. Out of the 24 Drives (2 (12) disk vdevs both in raid-Z3) I will have more than half of them showing some sort of read or write error. So I do a scrub and everything comes back fine and we go about our business. After this happened twice I decided it was time to put together a TrueNAS Core backup so I wouldn't loose all my stuff. Plus we all know separate backups are the only way to make sure you don't loose everything. Today it happened again and I'm stuck at work all day and I cant see what the screen to the server is saying.

To rule out that my issue is being caused by the disks and not the OS I want to export the pool from my core server and put them in my scale server.
Will I run into any issues with the ZFS not being the same or too new from the Core server?
Or will I be able to import them like any other pool?