New FreeNAS Build compact rack


Aug 14, 2019
Good day everyone, I am new here and have spent the last 15 or so days going through threads on the forum and just want to say Bravo for all the information out their. Its really impressive and a lot to chew on. I am many things in life but a NAS professional is not on the list so my new stance with doing this build will have one key rule, slow and slow. I don't have the specs I wish to proceed researching on as of yet because every time I think I have a piece decided I find out something that throws me in a new direction, this is probably a common occurrence when taking on such a task.
I feel like my biggest hurdle right now is form factor, I was just going to revamp the box I have now running 9.3 but sense crawling so many threads and seeing so many great option per cost and end result I am trying to work out how to get a proper server in tact. Issue is I am not super at connecting all the dots with hardware any more and I know the types of headaches this can cause down the road.
I am currently trying to figure out the solution for a rack mount set up but my rack is small, wall mount rack made for media. I think my question here is does anyone have experience using a smaller sized rack for servers. I see that they have some smaller form factor servers out their so I was thinking I could maybe get two server cases one for the hardware and one for the drives and maybe a battery backup.
My current rack is a Sanus CFR1615
20-3/8"W x 26-1/4"H x 20"D

I am not wanting this particular case but wondering if its problematic to get something similar and still have a good working setup. Again, being limited on size I would want a separate unit for the drive bays particularly SAS.
I guess the smaller cases make instantly worry about airflow and heat dispersion but if separating the core and the drives into two cases I am hoping this will not be an issue.
Any comments or case suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

My goal right away is to house my Files as I am doing now in a ZFS pool on 9.3-stable box
- adding Plex (currently i have this on its own server but would like to shut that down) we do not watch anything over 1080.
- I would like to start utilizeing a Cloud function but this will be slow go as I have not done it before.
- Possibility later would be virtualization, i do a lot currently with VM's at my job and use them regularly, so I thought if its their why not dig in when I have the time.

My current box is very old and has went through 3 Freenas upgrades. I think I started in 8 somewhere and ended on 9.3-stable. It ran so good all these years i never really messed with it other than tweaks and monitoring. I did run Plex a few years back on it but it was never really smooth and that probably due to my equipment.

I did try and read all the rules so I hope I have not broken any with my very first post but if i did i am sorry and will try to do better. I have also posted a pick of my current FreeNAS Box.


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